NCAA Hoops: SEO Madness 2011 is here!
Your office pool is fun, but how about competing against fellow search marketers far and wide? It’s time for the 5th Annual “SEO Madness” College Hoops Pool, where we all make our March Madness picks, and the winner gets the links. Teams and brackets have just been announced and you can sign-up now.
Here’s what you need to know:
What’s it cost? Nada. Free. All you need is a Yahoo account.
Where do I join? Sign-up here. This link should put you directly into the SEO Madness 2011 group, but if not, you’ll need this info:
Group ID: 86988
Group password: seorocks
That’s all! Get yourself signed into the SEO Madness group and then tell your friends on Facebook or Twitter — the more, the merrier. May the best man/woman win!
Woot! If you haven’t joined yet, you should!
Just finished doing my brackets, this should be very interesting. Sorry Matt, better luck next time!
Hope to win it for the third time 🙂
No chance, buddy. 🙂