Mid-Week News Roundup

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on July 25, 2007

I’m traveling the rest of this week (looking forward to meeting a new client in St. Louis!), so posting will be light for a while. But before I hit the road, a couple things:

Video continues to become more prominent as a local search/small business marketing tool. Superpages.com announced this week that video ads are now available to their advertisers. Coverage from:

One thing I’ll be sharing with our new client this week is the news that, as far as Google is concerned, they can keep those underscores in their URLs. Has Yahoo said anything about this lately?

And thanks to Daniel at DailyBlogTips.com for compiling a list of 25 Top SEO Blogs. It’s by no means a perfect list, and probably an impossible task to compile such a list — but I’m honored to be on the list. (I wasn’t there at first, and emailed Daniel to ask him where this blog would rank. I was figuring SBS would get about 13 points, but Daniel e-mailed back and said “15” and put me on there.)

In case I don’t get a chance to check in for a while, I hope you have a good week!

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