Micro Businesses & Social Media: VistaPrint Stats

Filed in Featured, Small Biz Marketing, Statistics by Matt McGee on March 2, 2011

vistaprintA healthy number of micro businesses say they’ll expand, explore, or maintain their social media marketing presence in 2011. VistaPrint surveyed more than 750 uber-small businesses in late January and early February and, of that group, 40% say they plan to explore social media or maintain their current presence. Another 34% indicated that they plan to expand their use of social media this year.

The stats (and the image at right) are from a VistaPrint blog post last week that covered the wider topic of micro business optimism for 2011.

In the survey, 88% of respondents said they’re planning on spending more on marketing (in general) than they did last year. When asked what they’d spend that extra money on, the number one reply was “setting up or enhancing a business website.”

If you’re not familiar with the term “micro business,” VistaPrint describes them as companies with 1-10 owners, less than $100,000 in annual revenue, and typically work out of their homes.

Comments (4)

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  1. Kris says:

    This is good news for online marketeers ºOº
    However, how do you decide what to do now that there are more and more marketing options and the budget remains limited? Content, link building, directories, facebook, etc. This all ads up to a lot of time. Lot’s of micro businesses can’t do it all.

  2. Matt McGee says:

    Focus first on what you own, Kris. Your web site needs to be great. Your blog, your local business listings, etc. — take care of the stuff you control the most. Baby steps are okay. One thing at a time.

  3. Kris says:

    Hi Matt,
    Thanks for the good advice.

  4. Craig says:

    No doubt a great website is vital to small businesses. But more important than having a great website is driving people to visit it. I have been working around the clock to try to increase my website rankings with the big search engines, and it seems that it has been to no avail. Is there a trick, or do I just keep putting in the time?