Me? A Mentor?

Filed in Miscellaneous by Matt McGee on May 5, 2007

I don’t know James Zolman and have never heard of his company, loyalty.LEADS+MARKETING, but I’m quite honored to be called a mentor on the first post of his new blog. That’s quite a list of mentors, in fact, and I’m happy to be in such good company.

Thank you, James. And thank you for the kind words about those links which are now showing up in the SBS RSS feed. (click to subscribe!) I wasn’t sure if those links were a good idea or bad, so I’ll take that as a “good” vote.

Oh, and note to other soon-to-be-bloggers: Whether it’s intentional or not, that’s one heck of a nice piece of linkbait James has started off with. Well done, sir. 🙂

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  1. jameszol says:

    Thanks for the great comment Matt! The linkbait was unintentional. In fact, what tipped me over the edge about writing my first post was your blog’s one year anniversary. I started thinking about what I would want to reflect on one year from now…and I wanted to see how my mentors (that don’t know me) have changed and more importantly, I wanted to see how I will change my reading habits. 🙂 Will I still be reading Matt McGee’s Small Business SEM blog? I hope so!

    This is my official vote to keep the links coming!

  2. Matt McGee says:

    You’re welcome, James – thank you. 🙂 And now you’re telling me I also inspired you to start blogging? Dude – too much pressure! No, seriously, that’s quite a compliment. I hope you’re still reading here in a year, and that I’m also still reading your blog, too. Stay in touch….