March ’10: Best Search/Marketing Posts

Filed in Link Roundups by Matt McGee on March 31, 2010

Here’s my roundup of the best search/marketing posts I found and read during March. If you’re new to this blog, this is a monthly feature that began way back in 2007. You can find earlier “Best Of”s for each month in the Link Roundups category archive. I never include my own posts in these end-of-month recaps.

Local Search



Blogs & Blogging

Social Media

Online Marketing/General


Comments (3)

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  1. Will Scott says:

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the mention. My team has been doing a great job of keeping fresh content from the real world of Small Business SEO on our blog and it’s a big bonus when their work gets noticed.


  2. MiriamEllis says:

    Wow, that Pat Sexton post about creating small websites was incredible. Bookmarking that. Really, really informative. I have got to put Pat in my feedreader. Thanks for pointing that one out, Matt.

  3. Chris.T says:

    Great blog by Tamar Weinberg/Techipedia, as I am new in the internet marketing world, I have been going through the same struggles, gald to hear I am not the only one, Im sure there are more, keep digging at it everyone.