Manage your Online Reviews with

Filed in Featured, Local Search by Matt McGee on April 1, 2010

During some of my recent speaking appearances (like at GetListed Local University), I’ve bemoaned the fact that it’s tough for small business owners to manage their online reviews. Wouldn’t it be great, for example, if Google’s Local Business Center offered email alerts of any changes to your list of reviews?

Well, that’s not exactly what does, but it does offer a pretty simple dashboard to help SMBs keep an eye on reviews across four sites (Google, Yahoo Local, Yelp, and Citysearch), as well as check-ins on Foursquare and Gowalla. It also offers a tool that SMBs can use to email customers with a request to leave reviews. And it’s free.

The site is in beta and accepting requests for new accounts. There are also several videos available to show more about how the site works.

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  1. Local Search Wrap Up 4/2/10 | April 2, 2010
  1. First off… the dashboard seems cool – in theory. Gives the biz owner a quick look at all the stuff going on. I like that.

    The site is very…. choke-page-ish… if that makes sense… very pitchy feel. Worries me.

    Also the part that bugged me was the “It also offers a tool that SMBs can use to email customers with a request to leave reviews”…
    UM… I know that’s a hot topic in local right now and especially it will give the SMB an easy opp to bombard visitors with request spam. I know they shouldn’t use it for that, but most SMB’s don’t get it that you should just be doing good and ppl will review on their own – they don’t get that it’s still weird to ASK for reviews.

    Touchy subject but I like the dashboard and the idea of where they’re going. Implementation will be interesting.

  2. William Lang says:

    I agree with Chuck – nice concept, poor execution. What is with the spammy-feel to the design? Also, while I realize this is a new site/service – TripAdvisor is an absolute must inclusion for their suite of review sites. I hope someone takes this idea to the next level because the unified dashboard idea is absolutely useful.

    • Matt McGee says:

      Ummm, if you read the site, they say that they’re planning to add additional sources. It was just launched a week or two ago, and as I said in the post, it’s a beta product right now. Unlike Google, where “beta” means nothing, I’d assume it means a lot in this case. 🙂 Bottom line for me is that SMBs need tools like this. Whether or not this ends up being the best product of its kind out there, I have no idea. But it’s a step in the right direction.

  3. Kerriann says:

    This is something I would like to use overseeing here at our company I noticed that the Local Search has given our company wrong reviews. Good luck to you and your venture with Local Search

  4. Cindy Lavoie says:

    I like what I see. Our SMB clients are freaky about reviews and most are nervous about tracking them so they can respond where appropriate. Seems like a great UI for enabling this. I’m looking forward to trying it out — thanks for the tip.

  5. Don Campbell says:

    Matt, thanks for this write-up. We’re very excited about this tool. Alerts is absolutely a great idea, one of the first additional features we’re looking to add. As you mentioned, it’s a beta, and we believe in keeping things simple at first and once we get that working well, layering additional functionality on top of that.

    @Chuck – ouch that hurts. The last thing I want to do is come across with a “pitchy feel.” We may not have the best design skills, but we’re trying to provide something of value for small business owners based on our experience with our clients. I would love your feedback on how we could come across better. Also, your point about abuse is a good one for us to note; right now we are being *very* careful with the email part, and limiting that by # of emails and some other factors.

    @William – would love your feedback on what feels “spammy” – absolutely don’t want to come across that way. TripAdvisor is a great suggestion. We’ll be looking at their API as soon as we get things working well and some initial feedback from folks.

    @Kerrian – thanks! I hope you’ll give it a try and I would love to hear your feedback.

    @Cindy – Right. That is the first thing we hear from small businesses – “what if I get a bad review?” We’re hoping this tool will help them keep informed about their reviews and be able to take action. This is an area where the “alerts” capability that Matt mentioned would be especially valuable.

  6. William Lang says:

    @Don -Regarding the “spammy” feel. I’m sorry to say, but it reminds me of an MLM-type layout. I’m sure Jakob Nielson and the UI experts would approve of the layout for conversion purposes – and I suppose that what it’s all about in the long-run. But I would like to see a less bland and more friendly layout.

  7. Don Campbell says:

    @William – thanks for your response.
    I’m not sure what MLM is. We’ve got some changes planned to make the design nicer, and hopefully that will help with the friendliness of the look & feel.

  8. David says:

    Hi Matt, this tool looks quite useful, though I have just tried it on a couple of my non-US accounts and it doesnt seem to recognise my current No. of reviews… I can confirm that the reviews are there but ‘’ indicates ‘0’ reviews on googleListings

  9. Don Campbell says:

    @David, We’ve found on a couple of services the API results lag what is actually showing on the business profile on their site.

    Can you tell me which one(s) are not showing the number of reviews correctly (e.g. Yelp, Yahoo, Google, etc.) and the business phone number?

    I’ll look into it and see what’s going on. If you want to send it to me privately just use the contact form on myReviewsPage and I’ll look into it right away.

    BTW – based on Matt’s suggestion, we’ve added Alerts to notify you when you get new reviews, and we’ve also added the ability to create a badge to display on the business’ website.

  10. Erica Balven says:

    Don Campbell – I am currently signed up for your service and LOVE the concept! However, I do not feel the service is working correctly. I’ve submitted several forms through the “contact us” form on your website. Can we touch base to discuss how I can more effectively use your service?

  11. Don says:

    Hi Erica,
    Certainly. I’m not sure why I’m not getting your contact requests. Can you contact me through my blog (I know this works) and I’ll work with you to figure out what is going on with your reviews? Or just email me at