Local U Advanced: The Promo Video!

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on July 12, 2013

I’m really proud of this. The whole Local U team is really proud of this.

With the great help of Spokane’s Mojo Labs, we now have a professional, four-minute promo video that introduces the Local U concept perfectly. We shot it last month during Local U Advanced in Seattle and it turned out great. Have a look:

I had other commitments that day, so I’m only in the clip for about three seconds — which no doubt makes it much better overall. 🙂

The next Local U workshop is another Advanced event. It’s happening September 30th, the day before SMX East begins in New York City.

If you use the promo code WS–LUA10, you’ll get 10% off the registration price.

Between the show-and-tell video and the discount code, you really have no excuse for not being there!

Comments (2)

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  1. Stacey says:

    Sorry, but I have questions galore!

    1. Where can I get the details about the September 30th Local U workshop?

    2. What do you mean by “advanced” event? In other words, it’s for people who ______.

    Thank you.

    • Matt McGee says:

      Hey Stacey, sorry for the missing information in the post above. My bad! The Local U Advanced workshops are geared toward two audiences primarily:

      1) Local businesses (or local stores/offices that are part of a national chain) that are already skilled in local online marketing, and need some extra help with advanced strategies and tactics to separate themselves from the competition.

      2) Marketing agencies and consultants that provide local search marketing for clients, and want to learn/know the latest advanced strategies and tactics to employ while working with their clients.

      You can learn more about the September 30th event at http://localu.org/upcoming-events/. Hope this helps!