Local Search round-up

Filed in Local Search, Statistics by Matt McGee on September 28, 2006

Lots of Local Search happenings at the moment, so here’s a pone-post summary for your enjoyment.

Timed perfectly with the SES Local Conference in Denver, comScore today released all kinds of local search data from a recent study, including plenty of ammunition for those of us who are sold on the growing importance of this search vertical (which should be just about everyone by now):

  • 63 percent of U.S. Internet users, comScore says, performed a local search in July — a 43 percent increase over July, 2005.
  • “…performing a local search drives consumers to take action. During the second quarter of 2006, 47 percent of local searchers visited a local merchant as a result of their search behavior, while 41 percent made contact offline.” (Does that sound familiar?)
  • Google and Yahoo are neck and neck in their dominance of the Local Search industry right now, combining for 59% share of the market (Google = 29.8%, Yahoo = 29.2%)
local search stats

In other Local Search-related news, Mike Blumenthal has launched Understanding Google Maps & Yahoo Local, a new blog dedicated to the two leading local search destinations on the web (according to comScore). (Thx Bill for the tip.)

And finally, as mentioned above, today was SES Local in Denver. Haven’t seen any recaps or reports yet, but I know of two sites/blogs that I’m expecting to have something in the next day or two, so links will be coming soon for those….

[tags]local search, comscore, google maps, yahoo local[/tags]

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  1. technomatters says:

    We tried a lot to find what exactly people are searching at local search engines, many returns the city names with the business name.