Local search algorithms?

Filed in Bing, Google, Local Search, Yahoo by Matt McGee on July 19, 2006

earlpearl asks a good question over at the Small Business Ideas forum: What factors are involved in the local search algorithm?

As I said in that thread, I’ve not seen (or done) any research on this question. But in Google, Yahoo, and MSN, when you run the same search on both the main search engine and the local search engine, you get different results — and it’s not because the local algo simply ranks based on distance from the query location.

Compare these two searches:

Google (regular): seattle hotels
Google Local: seattle hotels

In the regular SERPs, when you strip out the comparison sites (and some crap), you get hotels ranked in this order:

1. Hotel Monaco
2. Fairmont
3. Sheraton
4. Renaissance (Marriott)
5. Edgewater

In Google Local, the order is:

1. Crowne Plaza
2. Holiday Inn
3. Westin
4. Hotel Monaco
5. Vintage Park

Would love to learn more about what’s at play in the local search algo’s……

Comments (1)

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  1. earlpearl says:

    Bill Slawski (bragadocio) who posts at seobythesea.com and at cre8asite.com and I are investigating this further. Bill has a few insights into this…and we discussed this earlier at seorefugee. Come on over and try and add insights.

    It would be interesting, in fact a KILLER, if we could figure this one out!
