Local press for Local.com

Filed in Local Search by Matt McGee on January 28, 2007

Local.com logoToday’s Orange County Register has a profile of local search destination Local.com, and writer Jonathan Lansner does a pretty good job covering all the challenges of local search, esp. considering he’s writing for a general audience that may not even be familiar with the difference between “search” and “local search.”

He hits on:

  • the challenge of selling local search advertising
  • the challenge of growing an audience
  • the general lack of sophistication among many who would use local search
  • the frequent lack of online information (i.e., a web site) about many small businesses

What caught my eye was some more info. about Local.com’s recent acquisition of soUno, and how it might impact sales revenue:

… up until two months ago, Local.com’s revenue came from partnerships with other Internet companies.

Just before 2006 ended, the Web site added a do-it-yourself ad purchase function for businesses seeking Internet searchers. Last Tuesday, Local.com acquired a sales staff: soUno from Tulsa., Okla., in a deal worth up to $13.5 million in cash and stock.

“We’re buying know-how,” Clarke says.

The deal gets Local.com the brains to aggressively pitch to less-than-giant businesses. How? Using low-tech tools. Like pitch letters sent to a postal mailbox. Or old-fashioned telemarketing.

It’s a good read. Here’s the full story.

[tags]local search, local.com[/tags]

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