Light posting (& couple quick links)

Filed in Local Search, SEM by Matt McGee on November 29, 2006

I’m headed out the door in a couple hours for a quick flight across the country, so posting will be light for a couple days.

Of note (i.e., stuff I’d post about in greater length if I could):

  • IAC, parent of, is planning a new local search destination they’re calling “AskCity,” according to the ClickZ news blog. It’ll integrate information from, CitySearch, Ticketmaster, and Evite. And that sounds, to me, similar to Yahoo’s approach with the recent integration of Flickr and (events) into Yahoo Local.
  • Shari Thurow recently completed a 3-part interview Michael Yang, founder and CEO of shopping search engine You can read Part One here, then look for links to Pts. 2 and 3 at the bottom of the page.
  • If you’re looking for a fun time-killer, David Wallace has a photo trivia contest which shows pix of SEO/SEM personalities with their faces blocked. You have to guess who’s who. I got five right. 🙂

That’s all. Off I go!

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