Learning from The Donald and his Wannabes

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on March 19, 2007

I don’t know if this has earned any “link love” or not, but I want to give it some just in case. Every Monday, Stoney D. posts a recap of that week’s episode of The Apprentice, ending it with some of his own thoughts about marketing, management, and so forth.

I don’t watch The Apprentice, but I find myself reading each week’s recap all the way to the end. I have no idea who the people are that Stoney’s talking about, but that doesn’t diminish my interest. And I think it’s pretty clever to use a reality TV show as a source of business lessons, so here’s a link to today’s recap…

Lessons From The Apprentice (6.9 – Los Angeles)

… and you can go through the archives to read past recaps.

[tags]donald trump, the apprentice, marketing, management[/tags]

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  1. st0n3y says:

    How appropriate that you give me some “link love” for my apprentice posts, since two of the candidates this season have been making sweetness with each other.

    But it’s not just ANY reality show that I’m pulling business lessons from. This is TRUMP!

    Thanks Matt!