Learning From Mistakes

Filed in Blogging, Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on July 9, 2007

I’m a big fan of learning from mistakes — whether they be mine or someone else’s. If you are, too, be sure to read these posts:

  • What We Wish We Knew When We First Started Blogging – A Series — Darren Rowse is using the collective wisdom of his readership to make a series that will tackle blogging best practices. Some of the content in this series may not be perfectly applicable to corporate/business bloggers, but I’m betting it’ll be a good read as people share lessons learned the hard way.
  • Copywriting Maven’s Landing Page Makeover Clinic #1: SEOmoz.org — Roberta Rosenberg dissects the landing page that SEOmoz uses to promote its Premium Membership. I thought the page was pretty good, but Roberta shares some terrific insight while pointing out areas for improvement. It’s essentially a Landing Pages 101 class. Great stuff.

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