How I’d Launch a New Small Business

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on May 25, 2009

All the experts say that now, with our economy in a slowdown, is the best time to start a new business.

I’m super happy as an independent SEO consultant and not looking to start a new business right now, but I know many people are. With that in mind, I’ve written a guest post on Small Business Trends that’s just been published:

If I Were Launching a New Small Biz Web Site Today

It’s a fun premise: I gave myself a $2,500 marketing budget and a three-month timeframe to get the word out far and wide, both online and offline. Please go read the article and join the conversation; there are at least 1-2 items on my list that I expect will be scrutinized. 🙂

And if you’re inspired, I’d love for others to take the same premise and write your own $2,500, three-month small business marketing plan. Drop a comment here if you do!

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  1. Excellent set of ideas, Matt. We have opened a couple of small businesses in the past couple of years. They are local b&m’s with a web presence. They cover a variety of topics.

    Its very important to know your target audience and then how to best reach them. If you don’t know exactly what your target audience then experiment a lot to see what works. The very old mantra by which we operate is the following simple business idea:

    A. Try a lot of things.
    B. Keep doing the things that work.
    C. Drop the things that don’t work.

    Targeting the right audience is exactly what you want. I know it will vary with each type of business. I believe you have hit many many of the right steps.

    One thing I’d emphasize is the following:

    Review the current state of social media on the web vis a vis different businesses/business types.

    If there are success stories within social media for your business type….use that experience. For instance, if you are developing something like an LA taco truck what could be a better example than Kogi with its application on twitter and a blog. There are quite a few additional examples…and admittedly taco trucks is not the most copied small business around the country. Regardless that is a great example.

    If there aren’t great success stories with regard to social media yet, put more of the web emphasis on high rankings for appropriate search in organic search/maps search and ppc.

    Once you’ve got that down and satisfactory…then start looking at social media.

    Great set of ideas, Matt. Thanks.


  2. Chris Chong says:

    Isn’t it amazing how fast you can go from startup to thousands of dollars per month?

    I just dont understand why everyone is freaking out about an economic crisis. They need to just look around and find an opportunity. There is so much out there, I wish I had more time to try out new ideas online.