Latest SEL: Google Products and Small Businesses

Filed in Google by Matt McGee on October 4, 2007

Small is BeautifulIf you’re a small business owner, you have a big target on your back. You may not know it, but you do. And Google is taking aim at you with dozens of online tools and products that they say will make your online life — and your business — more productive.

But what Google products should a small business use?

That’s the topic of my latest Search Engine Land column, which is online now. Enjoy!

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  1. davidmihm says:

    Not sure if you’re still reading comments about this on Sphinn, so I’ll post here as well — hopefully you don’t think me a comment spammer!

    Great article, Matt. I’ve also used G Docs (mostly spreadsheets) as an easy way to populate a chart or map mashup. They’re such an Excel-like interface that clients can update on their own. And G Checkout is SUPER-simple to integrate.