Latest SEL Column (and other random notes)

Filed in Miscellaneous by Matt McGee on July 3, 2008

Small is BeautifulI confess: With all of the recent job-related stuff going on, the deadline for my ongoing “Small Is Beautiful” column at Search Engine Land completely snuck up and caught me by surprise. So much so that I didn’t have time to put together another “small business success story” interview. I’ll get back to that next time. For this week, I pulled out a handful of important lessons from the first four success story interviews and put them together in one column:

Small Business Success Stories: What We’ve Learned So Far

Meanwhile, Julie Power of the Internet Marketing Report recently interviewed me for a fun Friday series she does, where she asks some serious, and some not-serious questions and invites answers to be as short as possible. She also asks the subject to send in a “serious or silly” photo to accompany the interview, and I went with silly. So, if you’re just dying to see what I looked like at 9 months old, have at it. (Warning: I was one FAT baby.)

And, finally, if you’re not sick of me yet, I’ll be on the SEM Synergy show next Wednesday, July 9. I’ll be speaking with Virginia Nussey of Bruce Clay, Inc. about how I’ve used blogging and social media to write and promote my upcoming U2 book, and a few other topics, as well….

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  1. Good information on Small Business Success Stories. Can’t wait for the fifth installment.