Latest SEL column / Looking for Small Business Success Stories

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on March 13, 2008

Small is BeautifulQuick lunchtime post here: My latest Search Engine Land column is online today — it’s a profile/interview of Pink Cake Box, a small business using a blog, Flickr, and other methods to market successfully online.

As I say at the end of the interview, I’m looking for more small businesses to profile like this in the future. If you’re using the Internet to grow your business, reach out to customers, etc., please contact me and share your story. Maybe you’ll end up with some extra exposure on Search Engine Land and/or Small Business SEM. 🙂

By the way, one last note: Do you know how Pink Cake Box got on my radar? By leaving a comment on this blog. So, next time someone talks about the benefits of commenting on blogs, believe it…..

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  1. Miriam says:

    This business is so smart, Matt, and your idea to start featuring winning small businesses is full of merit. I hope you will keep doing this.

    Video is just golden right now. I just went and checked one of my client’s rankings for one of his top phrases. He’s got a youtube video and an indented listing at 1&2 for this. You can believe we’re happy about that!


  2. noodlehead says:

    Many of our small business clients have seen a lot of success using certain techniques found here that we have extended in our services packages.

    One that specifically comes to mind because of their very efficient success is Cooper Quarter Horses. You can check out their site at