Kelsey’s Local Search Stats

Filed in Local Search, Statistics by Matt McGee on November 9, 2006

(Yes, still playing catch up from a busy week…)

Speaking of local search, the Kelsey Group provided a bunch of advertising estimates this week. Overall, they have local and classified ad spending growing from $15.7 billion (2005) to $31.1 billion by 2010. Local search’s portion of that is $3.4 billion (2005) to $13 billion in 2010.

From the ClickZ recap:

It’s all part of a marketing trend away from advertising on broad-based Web sites where marketers must attempt to be all things to all consumers, and toward targeting on location and vertical, according to Matt Booth, SVP and program director for interactive local media at the research firm.

[tags]local search, advertising, kelsey group[/tags]

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