June ’07: Best Search/Marketing Posts
Here’s my roundup of the best search/marketing posts during June. If you’re new to SBS, this is a monthly feature and will lead to something fun later in the year. You can find earlier “Best Of”s for each month in the archives. Only rule is that my own posts are not eligible.
Small Business
- Becky/Small Biz Survival: How to use video to promote your small business
- Bill/SEO by the Sea: When Choosing an eCommerce System, Remember the Search Engines
Social Media
- Brian Solis/PR 2.0: The Future of Communications – A Manifesto for Integrating Social Media into Marketing
Link Building
- Eric/SEL: A Portrait of the Perfect Link Builder
- Michael/SEO Theory: The relevant link myth
- Brian/Copyblogger: Do You Make These Mistakes When You Write?
General / Online Marketing
- Brian/Scoreboard Media: I Stopped Trying To Rank for Anything When I Realized I Could Build Traffic For Everything
- Andy/Tropical SEO: 7 Lessons for Online Success from Aaron Wall’s Playbook
- Michael/Copyblogger: How to Improve Your Image by NOT Delivering
- Holly/GrokDotCom: Why Testimonials Do (and Don’t) Work
- Muhammad/Copyblogger: The 10 Second Rule: How to Write for Diagonal Readers
- Muhammad/Copyblogger: Writing Headlines for Regular Readers, Search Engines, and Social Media
- Stephan/Practical E-Commerce: SEO: Metrics That Matter
- Michael/Wolf-Howl: Google Adds Paid Links Reporting
- Fantomaster: Google’s Ideal Webmaster: Snitch, Rake It In And Don’t Deliver
LOL Funny!
- Michael/SoloSEO: LinkedIn Wants Me to Accept or Deny Jesus?
- Pat/SEOish: What The Perfect Link Builder Looks Like
LOVE these monthly roundups! Thanks!