John Battelle on Local Business and the Social Web

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on October 2, 2008

Open Forum logoCan I take a mulligan? Seriously, I just blew it on the September recap of great articles and blog posts, because this piece from John Battelle on the Amex OPEN Forum belongs at the top of any small/local business owner’s reading list:

Think Local, Act Conversational – It Just Might Save Your Business

Let me ask you this: When was the last time you put your small business name into Google and looked at the search results? I hope you’re doing that regularly — maybe once a week, but certainly no less than once a month.

That’s what John does in his article — he puts the name of one of his favorite local businesses into Google and examines the results. What did he find? A lot of missed opportunities.

Don’t miss opportunities.