January ’07: Best Search/Marketing Posts

Filed in Link Roundups by Matt McGee on January 31, 2007

At the start of the year, I vowed to do a better job of bookmarking and tracking what I felt were the best and most helpful posts or discussion threads. I wasn’t too good about that in 2006, and I think my own writing here on SBS was hurt without the ability to quickly reference other good material.

After about a week or so of keeping this list, a light bulb appeared over my head. It was one of those Energy Star, swirly ones so it came on slowly … but it occurred to me this might be a good resource for SBS readers, too. So, at the end of each month I’ll post a list like what you see here of the best posts I found, put into nice little categories for your convenience. (And then I have some additional ideas for how to use these lists later in the year, so stay tuned….)

So, here are my choices for the Best Search/Marketing Posts of January 2007. (Because I’m an organization geek, I’ve tried to keep each category sorted with most recent posts at the top of the list.)

Small Business

Public Relations

Link Building/Viral Marketing

Social Media



Blogs & Blogging

Online Marketing/General

Search Tech


LOL Funny!

Is this helpful? Any that I missed? (That’s not an invite to spam the comments….)

BTW, I won’t be including my own posts in these lists. My head ain’t that big! If you want to see what I think my own best posts are, there’s a category just for you.

[tags]best search marketing posts[/tags]

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  1. Friday Favorites 2/02/07 - Stuntdubl - Search Engine Marketing Consultant | February 2, 2007
  1. leeodden says:

    Wow Matt, that’s quite a list! Thanks for including a few TopRank posts in there. 🙂

    I haven’t seen some of these before – where does the time go?


  2. Matt McGee says:

    You’re welcome, Lee. There’s no pressure on you to keep it up in February, of course. 🙂