Improving your PPC ads

Filed in PPC Advertising, SEM by Matt McGee on May 23, 2006

Another good article today on — this one from Kevin Lee, Think Organic, Act Paid, is geared toward those of you who use PPC advertising such as Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, etc.

He’s talking about ways to improve your PPC ads so that they’re as relevant, or more relevant than the free/organic listings on the left side of the SERPs. It’s worth paying attention to because PPC advertising — especially on “long tail” words and phrases — is one area where even smaller businesses with lower budgets can still compete with the Big Boys.

“…the marketers able to float their ads to the top will be those who have:

  • Copy highly relevant to the search query
  • Highly relevant landing pages (the engines now look for this)


Be sure to read the five tips at the end of the article for ideas on improving your PPC advertising on any search engine.

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