If You’re Still Not Sure About Social Media
It may seem hard to believe, but there are still plenty of businesses big and small that aren’t sure about the long-term survival of social networking, and the need to be available to potential and current customers on their favorite networks. If you know any business owner in that group, maybe have them watch this video:
This is the latest in a series of similar videos from Erik Qualman/Socialnomics. As I said when the first one came out, it’s a bit over-the-top in its social media cheerleading … but the message is still an important one to see and understand.
Excellent vid, Matt, thanks for sharing.
Random fact: the song in the video was the soundtrack for the last movie I produced… A college final in ’01.
It’s an interesting video and one worthy of showing interested business owners but there seems to be total mismatch between the video and the music
I like this line at the end: “The ROI of social media is that your business will still exist in five years.” A clever bit of hyperbole. Also like the emphasis on future customers. I think that’s what businesses tend to overlook. If it doesn’t feel necessary to do social media NOW, it will later, and then it might be too late to do it well.
I had no idea YouTube was the 2nd biggest search engine in the world. I love YouTube but I have never made a video.
I despise the other social sites, so maybe I should begin my foray into social marketing with them.