I think we better go to Searchnomics next year

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on June 27, 2007

I can’t help but notice that very few of the search conference regulars went to today’s Searchomics conference. And I can’t help but notice that those who did are not blogging about it. I’m thinking that may change next year…..here’s why:

Luckily for us, Jeremiah Owyang is blogging it, with a bunch of posts you should read. Here are some things that have caught my eye from his recaps:

Keynote: Marissa Mayer, Google

  • Universal Search may include blogs by year’s end, and they’re working on podcasts, too, but there’s limited metadata about those.
  • Universal Search will be implemented into mobile search.
  • Google Book Search is developing a tool to tell you what local libraries have the book you’re interested in.

Video Search Optimization

  • Leann Prescott of Hitwise says YouTube has twice the traffic of all other video networks combined. (!)
  • Mark Yoshitake of Google/YouTube: Word-of-mouth is #1 way users find videol search is #2. Also, Google is working on having paid videos appear in SERPs … me: as in, where the AdWords ads are??? And he suggests making “video sitemaps” to help Google Video find your videos.

Good stuff there, and do read Jeremiah Owyang’s recaps. And let’s all plan on going next year, shall we?

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