How Local Search Works in 2010

Filed in Featured, Local Search by Matt McGee on June 7, 2010

Local Search Ranking FactorsIn light of last week’s post about local SEO, this is pretty much what you call perfect timing: David Mihm has just published the 2010 edition of the

Local Search Ranking Factors

This year, 34 local search marketers, small business owners, web developers, etc., have contributed thoughts and opinions on what matters most when it comes to ranking in the Google 7-pack, Yahoo’s local business listings, and Bing’s local business listings. Here’s a quick look at what the survey shows are the most positive factors that help improve rankings:

  1. Claiming your business listing
  2. Having your business address in the city being searched
  3. Proper categorizing (of your business listing)
  4. Number of citations from major data providers and Internet yellow pages sites
  5. Off-page / off-listing factors

I don’t agree with some of the replies given by my peers, and I presume they don’t all agree with some of my replies. The best thing about this annual survey is that you’re getting the consensus of three dozen people, not just one person’s opinions. So, go read it and bookmark it!

Comments (4)

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  1. Dave Oremland says:

    Matt: Its always an important piece. Thanks to David Mihm for putting it together. I guess you could say that 30 heads are better than one. 😉

    I’m interested in what everyone thinks. Like you I don’t agree with everything I saw. OTOH, all those opinions, perspectives, and experiences will be very helpful and a great learning experience

  2. Wow, what an impressive piece of work! And realeased all for free huh, that is really sharing the love.

  3. I have found that completing the business listing 100% and including videos, photos and as much information as possible helps tremendously. Not many google business listings include 5 videos. Just by doing that you can jump ahead of competitors.

  4. Geoey Cook says:

    This is the 4th article I have read today on the subject.

    I went in and completed all of the items suggested several weeks ago (full profile, keyword in the company name, proper categories, ten photos, etc but I am still not seeing any major improvement.

    Anyone know if the google algorithm for local search takes a while to update?

    I guess it is time to add in those videos then!