How Does Local Search Work? 20 SEOs Discuss & Debate

Filed in Local Search by Matt McGee on June 17, 2008

Local Search Ranking FactorsI usually save my favorite articles and content for the end-of-the-month recap, but this is too good to hold for two more weeks. David Mihm posted an article today in which 20 search marketers discuss and debate the impact of 47 potential criteria that might impact your local search success. It’s a fascinating discussion and debate on what matters and what doesn’t where local search is concerned. Here’s the link:

Local Search Ranking Factors: Ranking High in Google Maps and Yahoo Local

If you’re a small business owner or webmaster, or have even a remote interest in local search, it’s a must read. There’s enough in there to think about (and write about) for months. It’s that good.

And it was an honor and pleasure to be one of the 20 people asked to be part of it. Hats off to David for putting it together, and all the participants for sharing their wisdom and experience.

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  1. David Mihm says:

    Matt, this was such a fun project to work on, thanks to people like you 🙂 It was great to see the perspectives of so many talented folks. Hoping to add a few more folks from specific industries like restaurants and florists for next year’s version to get their take as well 🙂