How Do You Submit to AskCity? The Old-Fashioned Way…
Isn’t it odd that, for a local search engine with plenty of 21st century features (Ask Changes the Shape of Local Search), if you want to submit your business to AskCity, you have to send them an e-mail?
You would think they’d send a business owner to CitySearch to submit your business, but AskCity draws its business data from other IAC sites, too, like ServiceMagic and TripAdvisor (and others).
So, while the gadgets and gizmos might help grab a searcher’s attention, Ask would do well to develop a nice local business center to grab the attention of local/small business owners. It would be great (hint, hint) if such a business center allowed a business to manage all its listings across the IAC sites — CitySearch, InsiderPages, ServiceMagic, TripAdvisor, etc.
[tags]askcity,, local search, iac[/tags]
How do I submit a business listing for my business to your search engine and local business center listings?
Hi Aaron – you can’t submit to Ask City anymore. It doesn’t exist. I believe the local stuff is coming from MSN/Live Search now, but not positive.