Have you tried Google Base?

Filed in Google, SEM by Matt McGee on November 6, 2006

Google logoLee Odden interviews Adam Lasnik of Google today, and they spend a couple questions discussing Google Base, which happens to be one search marketing opportunity that I think a lot of small businesses are overlooking … and shouldn’t be.

Google Base has already been integrated into the main SERPs for some real estate searches and, if memory serves me correctly, for some job-related searches. But really, the possibilities are almost endless and there’s nothing to suggest we won’t see more of Base being integrated into the main SERPs in the future.

So if you’re not familiar with it, start with what Adam recommended: Google Base Info. & Quick Facts.

[tags]google, google base, small business, online marketing, sem[/tags]

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  1. Maggi says:

    can you eloborate more on Google Base & how it can be useful for Small Business ( SME). we woudl like to offer this to our customer base at http://www.smallbizunlimited.com