Have Google’s doors opened?

Filed in Google by Matt McGee on June 13, 2006

Since SBS launched, I’ve been keeping track of how the Big Three SEs handle this brand new web site. Just three weeks after launch, I mentioned that MSN loved me, Yahoo was just flirting, and Google hated me.

Not anymore! By running a site:smallbusinesssem.com in Google search, you’ll see I’ve gone from having one page indexed to now having 62. And according to the cache of the newly-added pages, Google came a callin’ for the first time this past weekend, on June 10.

I thought I had just broken through based on the sheer quality of content here (hehehe), but as it turns out, a lot of sites are reporting the same thing.

What about you? Seeing anything interesting?

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  1. oatmeal says:

    Maybe you dodged the sandbox/age filter/whatever because there hasn’t been any kind of aggressive link-buildup for this domain? Most of your links are probably natural

  2. Matt McGee says:

    All three SEs found the site from about 5 links in various forum and blog profiles, and my sig. file on the Small Business Ideas Forum.

    But now I’ll be curious to see what happens, because starting with Rand’s post on your blog yesterday, and now the additional mentions today, it is all natural inbounds.

    Should be fun to watch and learn from this.