Happy National Look Alike Day, SEO Industry

Filed in MY BEST POSTS, Off-Topic by Matt McGee on April 20, 2007 17 Comments

It’s true. Today, April 20, is National Look Alike Day here in the U.S. What better way to celebrate than with a collection of Celebrity SEO/SEM Look Alikes? (That’s right — no better way.)

The idea for this post actually dates back to December, 2006, when I first met Rob Kerry (aka evil green monkey) at the SES Chicago show and immediately thought, Wow! He looks exactly like the guy who sings in The Fray.

Even though this is NOT a contest, I’m declaring Rob the default winner of the SEO Celebrity Look Alike award. See for yourself:


But Rob’s not alone. No, as you’ll see below, there’s a long list of Honorable Mention celebrity look alikes in the SEO/SEM industry. Enjoy!















The End! Happy National Look Alike Day to all!

Credits: Some of the SEO photos used above are mine, but others came from various Flickr photostreams and I (stupidly) failed to keep track of my sources. I’m confident that I’ve borrowed photos from Lee Odden and Li Evans. If you see a photo you took above, use the Contact Me page to tell me about it and I’ll credit you with a link here.

Credit also goes to the amazing Face Recognition software available at MyHeritage.com, one of the coolest web tools ever.

Comments (17)

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  1. storyspinner says:

    as long as i can have the antonio banderas look-a-like for a husband… i won’t kill you πŸ˜‰

    at least, it didn’t compare me to D.B.!!

  2. I’ve never heard of The Fray, so not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing 😐

  3. Todd says:

    Man – Frankie Muniz –

    This game sucks:)

    I’ve heard Ron Reagan Jr. a few times in the past, and more recently Seth Myers, but this is the first time I’ve been Malcolm Malicoat.

  4. Matt McGee says:

    Li – who’s the D.B. you’re referring to?

    Rob – The Fray are a pretty good lite-rock band from Denver. There are worse comparisons.

    Todd – dude, I had so much trouble finding one for you. I must’ve tried 4-5 different photos! Ron Reagan Jr. makes sense, that would be better than Frankie…. sorry! πŸ™‚

  5. sheseltine says:

    Li is referring to Drew Barrymore.

    As for Justin Sanger, when I saw him on stage I immediately thought Hugh Laurie, or Christopher Lloyd from his Reverend Jim days on Taxi πŸ˜‰

  6. LisaBarone says:

    If I was Todd, I would totally kill you.

    Though I might kill you anyway. Someone found this at work and emailed it to the entire office. Thanks a lot, Matt! πŸ™‚

  7. Matt McGee says:

    Sweet! So there are others at BC, Inc., who stop by? Coolio…..

    BTW, for any readers who don’t understand the “kill” references in some comments, I sent out an email to the look-alikes above with this link, saying:

    “As I see it, you have two choices: kill me or link to me. I’m hoping for the latter.”

    So far, so good. Whew!

  8. andrewgoodman says:

    I think you just made Chris Boggs’ weekend! All partisanship aside… now there’s a handsome man. hehe

  9. Haha, good stuff Matt. I’ve definitely never been told I look like Clooney.

  10. stokelake says:

    Great post, there are some funny ones in there.

    For more SEO look-a-likes checkout my post from the 2nd March.


  11. Really dude, Todd Malicoat and Frankie Muniz?

    Lisa Ling looks more Asian than I do…

  12. Li Evans says:

    Dangit… someone had to give up the “DB”… gah! Thank goodness he didn’t use a pic from this SES!

    again, can i have the antonio banderas look-a-like hubby?? please!?

  13. Patty says:

    For anyone who thought this was good stuff, here’s an updated one to check out: http://www.verticalmeasures.com/search-optimization/seo-celebrity-look-alikes/. The last picture is our very own leader, Arnie Kuenn.

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