Happy Birthday to Small Business Search Marketing
Five years ago, I was an introvert who was very happy to keep to myself and fly under the radar, providing SEO and web design to a bunch of local clients here in Tri-Cities, Washington. I’d never attended a search marketing conference. I was generally happy with my lot in life, but had a feeling there might be more out there….
I’ll spare you the full details (because I can’t imagine anyone wanting to know, and it’s probably only interesting to my mom at this point) … but a pep talk from one of the smartest, nicest guys in this industry helped get me to come out of my shell.
So, on April 18, 2006 — after tinkering and putzing around for about a month — I finally published the most lame opening blog post of all-time. But you have to start somewhere, right?
So, on this 5th birthday, the main thing I want to say is this:
Thank You
Probably 75% of what I know about online marketing has come in the time that I’ve been writing this blog, and — more importantly — from your comments and interactions with me and with each other. You never fail to take what I write and make it better. That’s what makes blogging so great and so fun.
Cheers to all of you for reading for any/all of the past five years. Here’s to many more!
Thank You! I am constantly gaining knowledge from your blog!
This was one of the first great local/SMB focused SEO blogs that I recall reading. Keep it up!
A daily stop for me, I’ve learned a ton from you.
Congrats on your 5 year!
hey hey M2! Happy birthday to the blog!
Where in the world will local internet marketing be in another 5 years? My mind spins at the thought.
Thanks for the kind words, gang – appreciate it. 🙂
Hey Matt, thanks for plugging away for 5 years! I’ve been carrying around a copy of the SEO Success Pyramid for over a year now and still love it. Thanks again, wishing you the best.
Happy belated birthday!! The only meaningful advice I can possibly give you–expand your horizons a little beyond U2 and embed a YouTube video of the Stones song that matches the title of your first post! 😀
Expand my horizons beyond U2? You mean there are other bands? I have no idea what you’re talking about. 😉