Google update from Matt Cutts
It’s always fun to read Matt’s Google updates, the most recent of which was posted last night. Do read it if you haven’t already, but here’s the Cliffs Notes version:
- PageRank export is underway. I’m actually watching this because this blog has seen a rapid jump in inbound links (not to mention traffic and feed subscribers) over the past 4-6 weeks, and I’m curious to see what the impact will be (if any) on the lowly PR2 SBS has now.
- supplemental results are getting fresher (that could be good or bad depending on your outlook)
- having pages in the supplemental index is not a penalty
- quote: “…the main determinant of whether a url is in our main web index or in the supplemental index is PageRank. If you used to have pages in our main web index and now they’re in the supplemental results, a good hypothesis is that we might not be counting links to your pages with the same weight as we have in the past. The approach I’d recommend in that case is to use solid white-hat SEO to get high-quality links (e.g. editorially given by other sites on the basis of merit). Good stuff, and the approach I’d take is here: Get out of Google’s supplemental index
- your rankings are likely to change regularly because Google is pushing fresh data to the index moe often (every 1-2 days)
- they’re working on a fix for an issue impacting .com domains hosted outside the U.S. when a search is conducted on Google’s country-specific engines
Meanwhile, if this recap has only left you frothy at the mouth for more Google chat, Danny wrote his own recap of Matt’s post at Search Engine Land, and added, oh, a half-dozen bonus things in to the mix, too. Show off…. 😉
[tags]google, matt cutts[/tags]