More on Google Products and Small Business

Filed in Google by Matt McGee on August 5, 2008

I’ve written about 5 Google Products a Small Business (Probably) Shouldn’t Use. I’ve also written about Google products a small business should use (on SEL: part one and part two).

This is just a quick post for small business owners thinking about making the jump to using Google Products as a primary tool. In addition to my articles, be sure to read this post today on Chris Brogan’s blog: When Google Owns You.

From reading the comments, it seems like that individual is working things out. But I think it’s a good reminder that online tools that you don’t own are probably best used as a backup/secondary service, not as your primary means of conducting business.

That’s all.

UPDATE: The former journalist in me is obligated to share an update on this story from Google, as posted on Chris B.’s blog.

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