Google Places: Analytics Missing in Action (Again)

Filed in Google, Local Search by Matt McGee on April 21, 2011

Is your Google Places dashboard showing any analytics data right now? Mine isn’t. There’s a Google Places help forum thread with a couple other users reporting the same thing, so at least I’m not alone. That doesn’t lessen the frustration.

There was a similar problem in late February that seemed to take a few weeks to correct, as I recall. Let’s hope this one gets resolved sooner.

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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. Mihmorandum | Quite a Month in Local Search | Google | April 26, 2011
  2. The Lost Day on Google Places | OptiLocal | December 22, 2011
  1. Shawn Hart says:

    Any accounts I’ve looked at recently have reporting up to 4/11, then no more. Hopefully it doesn’t take a month again like it did if February…

  2. Will says:

    Among the three Place listings I oversee, one shows no data and the other two stopped showing data after April 11.

  3. I manage several Places under separate accounts – the stats for most of them were stuck at 4/11 until today, it now looks to be back to normal. Another new Place is still showing “no data for your request” like you have above…

  4. Laura says:

    Same here….my stats stopped showing data on 4/11. On that same day, my Places listing went from 1st position on Page 1 (which it had been consistently for over 9 months), to the bottom of Page 6 (below listings that have no webpage and hadn’t claimed their Places Listing).

    The Places Listings also changed from the “Merged Listings” format BACK to a 7-pack format.

  5. jabnamedia says:

    I run four different accounts and all of them are showing goose eggs for Apr 12 – Apr 19. I wonder if they will be able to recover the data and update the stats later.