Google Maps adds coupons

Filed in Google, Local Search by Matt McGee on August 15, 2006 2 Comments

Google Maps logoThere’s a real push in the local search industry to go after small businesses that don’t have a web site and get them on board with search marketing. As I describe in the Yahoo Local Marketing Guide, Yahoo offers what they call a “locator page” for small business without a web site. Same goes for some of the sites I describe in the Guide to Other Local Search Marketing options.

Now Google is jumping on board by offering local merchants a chance to add coupons to a Google Maps business listing. At the moment, coupons are being sourced from ValPak, a huge direct marketing company. But in time, businesses using Google Maps & AdWords will be able to add a printable coupon — and when they do, the listing in Google Maps will include a small, distinguishing coupon icon. You don’t need a web site to take part, because your “print this coupon” page will serve as the click-thru landing page.

If you’re interested in adding a coupon (it’s free) to your Google Maps listing, follow the instructions I describe in the Guide to Google Local Search. Mind you, Danny makes a keen observation on the SEW blog that there may not be much value here until Google allows coupon-based searching.

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  1. sodani says:

    Danny makes a good point. The other big question is what people’s intents are when they’re doing searches on Google maps. Are they looking for businesses they already know of (i.e. to find a phone number or directions), which is my guess, or are they looking to discover new businesses a la citysearch.

  2. Matt McGee says:

    I’m sure a large portion is people just looking for an address or phone number, but I think the local search also gets a good portion of traffic from tourists or travelers on the road. And in that situation, I suppose there might be an opportunity for some businesses to get a coupon to work. But probably not too many. We’re not much on coupons in general these days…..

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