Google Still Loves Yahoo Answers

Filed in Social Media by Matt McGee on September 7, 2008

It’s been a while since I’ve had reason to go looking for instances of pages from Yahoo Answers appearing in the SERPs, but I found a couple examples this weekend. See, we have a new puppy here at Casa McGee, and it’s been … oh … I think about 30 years since I’ve owned a dog. So, I’m a little rusty on what it’s like to be a dog owner.

Here are the two Yahoo Answers pages I found ranking very highly in Google: (try not to laugh at the second one)

Ya screenshot 1


YA screenshot 2

Neither of the pages from Yahoo Answers that you see ranking so well on Google ranks for the same questions on Yahoo and MSN Live search. That continues a trend I noticed back in the spring while I was researching for my SMX Social presentation on Yahoo Answers. The domain ranks much more often in Google than in the other engines.

Your turn: Have you seen Yahoo Answers appearing in the SERPs lately? Share the search query in the comments.

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  1. Matt Siltala says:

    Over the weekend in fact I have been noticing Yahoo Answers all over the SERPs, so its funny to read this post because its so fresh in my mind!

  2. jardel says:

    i think your serp have a lot of relation with question queries. Like “how much” or “do” at the start of a phrase, this is more likely to end in answer sites.

  3. Matt McGee says:

    I have to comment on my own blog post, because I just found Yahoo Answers at #1 and #2 on Google for “least expensive place to live”:

    Just putting this here for own records. 🙂