Getting Back to Work

Filed in Off-Topic by Matt McGee on July 1, 2008

After two months of job interviews, freelance consulting opportunities, a family vacation, and a couple search conferences/events, it feels great to be working again. 🙂

This is just a quick post to say that I’ve accepted a position as Director of Strategic Search with KeyRelevance. I’ve known Christine Churchill, Bill Slawski, and Li Evans for years and consider them friends. Now, I get to work with them and the rest of the terrific KeyRelevance team! Very, very cool.

Looks like there’s even a news release about it.

Forgive me for posting and running, but I have about a gazillion social media profiles to go update….

Comments (16)

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  1. SEO Hack says:

    way to go, Mr. McGee! Congrats on the new job. =) and congrats to them on a good hire!

  2. Congratulations, Matt! –Of course, I do hope that this site won’t “suffer” as a result… 😉

  3. HV & PLE says:

    Well done Matt.

  4. Richard Ball says:

    That is great news – for you and for KeyRelevance. Congratulations!

  5. David Mihm says:

    Matt, that is terrific news; I am so happy for you! Christine and Bill are top-notch people and top-notch SEOs. (I don’t know Li, otherwise I’d probably say the same).

  6. Congratulations, Matt. Christine is building quite an arsenal over there now. Three industry experts as well as herself. So glad you didn’t go to work for Yahoo 😉

  7. That is awesome Matt! Christine rocks and she’s building a great team of people over there and you will certainly be a huge asset!

  8. Lauren Cobb says:

    Congrats Matt! Sounds like an excellent opportunity for you. 🙂

  9. Way to get a job, Matt! No more hobo stew for you! (Probably a good thing since your wife’s been complaining about how all of her boots have gone missing.) 😉

  10. Matt McGee says:

    Wow, such kind replies — thanks everyone. Marcel — no worries, the blog will continue on full steam ahead. In fact, now that I’ll be doing more client work than in-house work, the blog should get better based on new experiences, ideas, etc.

    Rebecca, it was Top Ramen all the way at Casa McGee! 😉

  11. Nice work Matt. Update my social profile while your at it.

  12. Eric Lander says:

    Congrats M2! Good to hear you’re back up and on your feet in style. Hope this doesn’t mean I lose a partner in crime come conference time though!

  13. Matt, that is really great. What an awesome team you got there. Should be lots of fun.

  14. Eva White says:

    Hearty congratulations to you Matt. You’ve become a BIGGGGGGIEEEE now.

  15. David Temple says:

    Wow, you know I’m a big fan of all of you guys and a bit jealous you all get to work together. Congrats and keep being your fabulous self.