Friday Night Link-o-rama

Filed in Local Search, Web Site Content by Matt McGee on August 31, 2007

You could probably tell from the lack of posting since Tuesday that this has been a busy week, so the link-o-rama tonight will be short and to-the-point. Plus, a handful of posts that would normally be in this roundup instead graduated straight to the “Best Posts of August” recap, which I’ll finish up and post tomorrow.

So, let’s get to tonight’s links, shall we? (Yes.)

One of my favorite sessions at SES last week was the first “So You Wanna Be a Search Marketer?” panel (there were two; I only caught the first). I had a feeling a lot of the material would be in line with what I’ve shared over the years while working with small businesses who need to become SEOs when they can’t afford to hire one. The material met my expectations, and I’m glad to see David Wallace has written two posts on his blog recapping the material he presented. Here’s part one and here’s part two.

There was a lot of buzz in the local search circles this week about the launch of Grayboxx, a new local directory site that uses different pieces of data to create ratings/rankings for businesses that don’t typically get reviewed and ranked on sites like Yelp, Citysearch, and others.

Greg Sterling began the discussion on his own blog — Grayboxx about to Go Live — and then followed that up post-launch on Search Engine Land. Meanwhile, Mike Boland covered the news on the Kelsey Group blog, too. And finally, Peter Krasilovsky reports on one local writer in the Grayboxx target area who isn’t impressed with the results.

And finally… good advice from Stoney de Geyter: 5 Easy Ways to Make Your About Us Page More About Your Customers.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

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