Friday Night Link-o-rama
I’m going to change my SES travel plans. I think I’ll fly back to NYC, and then get a cross-country flight to San Francisco. Because I so want to fly on Virgin America Airlines. W.O.W.
Okay, enough drooling over a new airline with more in-seat gadgets than Captain Kirk had … let’s get to the links!
Since I’ll be speaking on User Reviews in San Jose, this one caught my eye: Study: Customer Reviews Boost Conversion. The evidence is quickly reaching the “overwhelming” point on this topic; if you’re a retailer without user reviews, what are you waiting for?
In the news this week, Matt Cutts says “Not so fast!” on that recent news that underscores and dashes are treated the same by Google. He also shares a neat story about a small business owner (a chiropractor, to be exact) who has taken it upon himself to become quite the blogger and linkbaiter. Nice!
Anita Campbell put together a good 2-parter this week on a largely underserved market:
- Non-Profits Have Needs of Small Businesses
- What Small Businesses Can Learn from Non-Profits and Vice Versa (with a quote from and link to my bud David Wallace; DW – how much traffic did that link bring?)
As long as we’re doing pairs of posts, here are two good ones from the Bruce Clay blog team: Google Hack: Finding Supplemental Results by Mike Terry, and Lisa Barone’s Understanding the Keyword Density Curve.
How about three numbered lists? Let’s call these the Top 3 Numbered List Posts of the Week:
- 7.5 rules for creating a great business blog
- 8 tips to make your YouTube video go viral
- 11 Tips to Enhance Your Digg User Experience (and Hopefully Bring You Front Page Fame)
And last but not least… Jenn Laycock writes about How a User Becomes a Customer Evangelist (or a Loud-Mouthed Detractor).
That’s all for this week – have a great weekend!
Now playing: “Close Action” by Big Country (a song that’s older than some of you reading this)