Friday Night Link-o-rama

So many good posts/articles this week … I was gonna do one of these a few nights ago, but never got to it.

Anything that helps me think more creatively about something that can be incredibly monotonous is a Good Thing. That’s probably why I liked Tom Clitchlow’s guest post on the Link Building Blog: 5 crafty outside the box link-building tricks & tips.

Here are a couple good business blogging posts from the past week:

I often write about the first four items in this article, but I think #5 is one that gets overlooked a lot — not just by me, but also by small business owners. You’ll have to read The Top 5 Small Business Marketing Tips for Budget-Minded Business Owners to know what on earth I’m talking about. 🙂

Even if you don’t get the Fox Sports Net reference, you’ll like Stoney D. giving away one of his SEO playbooks in The Best Damn On-Page Optimization Process Checklist, Period.

Lee Odden offers a good thought piece on why SEO is not a short-term, “one and done” effort: Advantages of Ongoing SEO Consulting.

This was a good week for social media/marketing discussion and articles. Here are the ones I bookmarked:

Not done yet … stay with me here. Chris Silver Smith talks about using Google’s Webmaster Central to find Quality Scores for Natural Search Optimization.

And though I don’t cover PPC much here, the Google AdWords blog answers a common question: Not seeing your ad on

That’s all for this week – have a good weekend!

Now playing: “Rain King”, Counting Crows

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