Friday Night Link-o-rama

Filed in Blogging, Link Building, Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on June 1, 2007

“…I don’t care if Monday’s black / Tuesday, Wednesday, heart attack / Thursday, never looking back…”

Jenn Laycock addresses an issue I’ve seen a lot — small businesses waiting too long to bring SEO into the web development/marketing mix. SEO needs to be part of the planning process from Day One, people. Jenn explains it quite well.

You see this topic come up every few months or so, but you don’t often as complete a roundup as Rand’s how to measure the value of a link post.

You’ve seen links to parts 1 and 2 in previous link-o-rama’s, and here’s the latest link in Ross Dunn’s series: StepForth Tutorial: Blogs 101, Part 3.

Here are three good list-style posts for your weekend reading enjoyment:

And last but not least, some thoughts for those of us in the search marketing industry from David Wallace about my least favorite aspect of the business: Responding To and Following Up on RFPs (Request For Proposals). (RFPs are the bane of my existence, and I bet I’m not alone.)

That’s all for this week. Enjoy the weekend. Say HI if you see me at SMX next week.

Now playing: “Friday, I’m In Love”, The Cure

Comments (3)

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  1. Thanks for the mention, Matt! There are quite a few good links in the Link-o-rama this week.

  2. Paul Jahn says:

    Have a great time at SMX, Matt! If you get a chance, meet up with Julie and Christy from FindLaw. By association, they’re part of the MPLS SEO welcoming committee. 🙂

  3. Matt McGee says:

    Paul — I did meet Christy at the MSFT reception last night. She’s super-nice. Had a nice chat with her. You Minneapolis people are just cool is all I can say.

    Patrick – you’re welcome. 🙂