Friday Night Link-o-rama

“We all want to be big, big stars … but we got different reasons for that”

Let’s start with a couple from one of my favorite topics: Local Search. First, Greg Sterling has an interesting write-up about an interesting search tool called “Palore” that can add a lot of valuable information to local search business listings. It’s worth watching. And second, Paul Jahn noticed Yahoo going out of its way to encourage more user reviews on Yahoo Local. I bet that kind of thing equates to an immediate 10-20% increase in reviews.

Eric Enge has a good checklist post with 17 Poor Quality Signals Your Site May Be Sending. You’ll have to fill-in some of the details yourself on any items you may not understand, but the list is a good place to get yourself started on what not to do.

I’m not sure I agree with “most underrated,” but information architecture is certainly close to the top of the list. Aaron Walls says it’s the most underrated component of effective search marketing.

Comprehensive resource lists make such good linkbait. Here’s one from Daniel S. on the Sponsored Reviews blog: Giant List of Blog Directories.

And speaking of directories… Deb Mastaler lists a few in her SEL column this week about starting your linkbuilding with “foundational links.” The article is Foundational Links Don’t Split, Crack Or Get Dugg Up.

Lastly, here are two pieces that aren’t directly search-related, but still caught my attention: On Small Business Branding, Steve Woodruff writes How to Be Unremarkable. And over on Marketing Profs, Allen Weiss asks Is Price *Really* the Most Important Factor in Consumer Loyalty? He answers it, too. 🙂

That’s all for this week. Hope you have a great holiday weekend! See ya next week….

Now playing: “Mr. Jones,” Counting Crows

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  1. Miriam says:

    Hi Matt,
    That link to Steve Woodruff’s article was really a treat. Such a funny article, and it also linked to an article about a new tagline being used by Sears that made me totally crack up –

    Sears: Where it Begins

    Where WHAT begins? Who writes these things? Why don’t they hire me? It’s hard to imagine that anyone couldn’t come up with a better one than that…in their sleep.

    As usual, great links, Matt. I love your link-o-rama. It leads to some of my very best weekly reading.

  2. Matt McGee says:

    Thanks for the kind words, Miriam. Glad you’re finding some good material in these links. And wow – yeah – what a terrible tagline that is for Sears. Sadly, there are a lot more BAD taglines and slogans out there than good ones….

  3. James says:

    Eric Enge’s article is interesting, I’ve made a couple of changes on his recommendation and hopefully I’ll stop going up and down, and dropping in and out….