Friday Night Link-o-rama

Filed in Blogging, Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on May 18, 2007

Link on, link on … we’re just humans being

Let’s begin with something that Todd wrote this week, which has a few salient points of note for small businesses. The post title is looong, so I’m calling it SEO Warfare, and here’s something for small biz owners to stash away: “There is no one size fits all solution to a good SEO campaign. Understanding the nature and intensity of the competition is as important as being able to compete for the top spots. (Didn’t your mother ever tell you, “you have to pick your battles?)”

More good stuff just for the small biz owner, but not of the SEO variety. Kevin Levi writes about Branding on a Shoestring Budget on the Small Business Branding web site.

I think one of my SEL columns a while back made quick mention of using blogs and blog comments as a small business marketing tool. Miriam does a great job on that topic with My 10 Comments on Blog Commenting.

And speaking of SEL’s “Small is Beautiful” series, I like Stoney’s article this week: The Ranking Roller Coaster Cause And Effect.

Ross Dunn has started a good tutorial on blogs and blogging. Blogs 101, Part 2 is hot off the presses, and Part 1 is here.

Here’s a good one from Mike Belasco: Keyword Research Tips For Local Businesses.

On the Search Marketing Standard blog, Andrey Milyan writes Optimizing Your Video Pages in 10 Easy Steps.

And last, but not least, if you’re still trying to wrap your brain around the Google Universal Search announcement this week, Vanessa Fox comes to the rescue on the Webmaster Central blog: Taking advantage of universal search.

That’s all – have a great weekend!

Now playing: “Humans Being”, Van Halen

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  1. Miriam says:

    Yay! I’m all excited to be included in your Friday night link-o-rama! Thanks, Matt, and these other links look super, as usual.

    You always manage to find at least 3 I completely missed during the week. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the mention Matt,
    I think I still owe you a link from the NCCA tournament 🙂 I’ll have to get on that one this week!