Friday Night Link-o-rama

Filed in Blogging, Link Building, Social Media, Web Design by Matt McGee on May 4, 2007

No link lyric again tonight. I’m listening to the SEO Rockstars podcast. Todd and Greg are on a roll about stupid Web 2.0 technologies. Great stuff.

So, let’s get to the links….

The paid links discussion doesn’t seem to want to end. Couple good posts on the subject this week, starting with Graywolf’s The Paid Link Blog Meme, and followed up quickly by Can You Spot the Paid Link? from Danny S. on Search Engine Land.

My fellow “Small is Beautiful” columnist at SEL, Christine Churchill, has written two super articles about the free web design tools that Google, Yahoo, and MSFT offer to small businesses. The first article covered the tools themselves, and then this week’s follow-up addressed if those tools are SEO friendly or not? Really good stuff.

If you liked my “6 Retail SEO Pitfalls” article, you might also want to have a look at Stephan Spencer’s retail-specific article, Internet retailers’ who blog: doing it right.

A couple good social/viral marketing articles came out this week: One is Lee Odden’s Five Blunders with Social News and Bookmarking, and the other is Cameron Olthuis’ 5 Reasons To Put Viral Content On Mini-Sites.

And the “most clever post of the week” award goes to Stoney DeGeyter for The Seven Word Limit. Love it!

That’s all for this week. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks to all the new feed subscribers and blog readers.

Now playing: SEO Rockstars podcast

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