Friday Night Link-o-rama

And I link to myself / what a wonderful world…

I shrugged my shoulders this week when Google announced those pretty new themes for their personalized home page. I may have even yawned. Well, leave it to Gord Hotchkiss to wake me up and explain the SEO impact of the new Google themes. Good stuff….

I’m thrilled to see Bill Slawski and Stoney de Geyter join the “Small is Beautiful” lineup over at Search Engine Land. Stoney’s debut article is a good one: Destination Marketing: SEM Without Compromise. I’m on the schedule for next week.

You know about paid reviews, but what about simple review trades? It’s catching on quite a bit. Blogger A asks its readers to write a review of Blog A and link to Blog A with certain anchor text. After 10 such reviews are written, Blogger A writes a post listing and linking back to the 10 reviews. Lim at Increseo calls this “review karma” and shows who’s doing it. It’s essentially reciprocal linking, but in the context of blog reviews and content.

The name and photo are familiar… Yep, that’s Lisa B. sharing The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Optimization over on Search Engine Guide.

In fact, let’s just make this the Search Engine Guide portion of the link-o-rama, shall we? Jennifer Laycock asks Is Viral for Everyone?, which is about marketing, not what happens when one kid in class gets the flu. And Jenn also wraps up the series that started last week with Why Links Matter – Part 3.

This week’s “Search Tech” link comes to us from a new source (finally): Eric Enge writes on the Search Engine Watch blog about the impact of making URLs search-friendly.

That’s it for this week – enjoy your weekend!

Now playing: “What a Wonderful World,” Louis Armstrong

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