Friday Night Link-o-rama
You want SEO tools? Jim Boykin has ’em. He just announced an updated version what used to be the “Cool SEO Tool” and is now the “Top 10 Analysis SEO Tool.” First read Jim’s explanation of the tool, and then give the tool a spin. (Prepare to Control-D if you haven’t already….)
Some more good PDF optimization help comes from Duff Johnson at the Adobe Acrobat User Community: Make your PDFs work well with Google (and other search engines). This is a good, and more technical complement to my recent post about Optimizing PDFs for SEO.
Don’t skip this one, even if I did forget to post about it when it was first published: Nick Usborne shares Four tips for writing a home page.
If you’re a designer, read this. If you’re not, tell your designer to read it. Again, not hot off the presses, but great nonetheless: Cameron Moll’s Beginner’s guide from a seasoned CSS designer.
This is hysterical, but it might be a bit too “Inside Baseball” for some SBS readers. Graywolf explains how How PubCon is like Star Wars. Inside knowledge of the SEO industry and personalities is helpful, though not required for maximum laugh factor.