Free tele-seminar on Local Search / Small Biz

Filed in Conferences/Educ., Local Search, Yahoo by Matt McGee on July 27, 2006

This might be of interest to some SBS readers….

Small Business Commandos is hosting a tele-seminar next Wednesday, August 2nd, at 2:30 pm ET / 11:30 am PT. It’s all about how small businesses can use Local Search to “blow the doors off your competition.” First 300 sign-ups are free, courtesy of Yahoo! — which will be represented in the tele-seminar by Paul Levine, General Manager of Yahoo! Local.

Sign up here.

Of particular note is that they’ll be discussing several of the issues I’m banging the drum about here on SBS. Like this:

Did you know that there are hundreds of FREE methods of marketing your local business on the Internet? (Yahoo! alone has free and low-cost options such as Local, flickr, 360 . . .)

Yes, we know all about marketing on Flickr, don’t we? And isn’t it odd to see Yahoo! encouraging the use of Flickr as a marketing tool, even though it’s against the Terms of Use to “exploit for any commercial purposes” the Flickr/Yahoo service. The things that make you go, Hmmmmmm.

Also up for discussion at the seminar:

How can a local business tap into the social networks that are changing the way people connect and select service providers?

Yep, tap into those social networks — or, participation marketing as I like to call it.

Still should be an interesting call….

BTW, found out about this via Peter K. at The Local Onliner (a blog you should be reading), who will be involved in the seminar and adds this note: “Some of it may be kind of promotional, but we’ll try to make sure there is a lot of useful info.”

UPDATE: I emailed Dick Larkin on Small Business Commandos about how long he expects the seminar to last. Here’s his prompt answer: “About 1 hour and then questions, but not more than 90 minutes.” Thanks, Dick.

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