Finding a Good Domain Name

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on May 17, 2007

My next column for Search Engine Land is about small businesses and domains — but it’s about protecting your domain. Here’s a good article from Entrepreneur magazine about, well, the title says it all:

Find the Perfect Domain Name

2. Get the .com extension.

This is the number-one mistake I encounter when dealing with naming disasters. In a hurry to go to market, eager entrepreneurs decide to take the available .net or a hyphenated version of their name. You’ll likely regret this decision as future customers default to the .com address. You may even find your e-mails going to the .com domain address, which is even more frightening if the .com version is a competitor.

This is such an important part of marketing your small biz — finding the right domain name can make or break your business.

(hat tip)

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  1. Mariusz says:

    Nice article. It is good idea to by .com version of domain name and the same one with hyphen as well.