Finally, Glass Almanac Has 1 Visit from Bing (and Yahoo, too!)

Filed in Bing, Google, SEO, Yahoo by Matt McGee on September 12, 2013

glass-almanac-logoSince I mentioned a month ago that Google and Bing are handling my new website soooo differently, I want to share this update:

The site finally got its first visit from Bing. And it also has one visit from Yahoo, too!

The Bing visit happened back on August 25, two weeks after I wrote about how all of the site’s search traffic after one month was from Google. It was a completely untargeted visit, though, because the keyword used was [daily news august 6 2013] and the landing page was a daily link post that I do: Glass Daily Headlines: August 6, 2013.


The Yahoo visit, on the other hand, sent a targeted visitor that probably found what s/he was looking for. That happened on Monday of this week (Sept. 9) when someone did a Yahoo search for [google glass lcos] and landed on this Josh Braaten article about different display tecnologies, Google Glass Gets Another Heads-Up Display Competitor.

So, the total search traffic count for Glass Almanac, which is now a little more than two months old looks like this:


And you thought YOU rely on Google too much? Ha! Bet I have you beat on that.

Actually, that’s not really true. Glass Almanac doesn’t rely whatsoever on search traffic, whether from Google or any other engine. Out of nearly 2,400 visits since the site launched, only 6.4 percent come from search. And that’ll probably be the subject of a future blog post — the strange case of running a website with very little search interest.

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  1. Christian says:

    Very interesting. 98.7% of organic search traffic from Google. Can’t say I’ve seen a higher breakout 🙂