Facebook Content Ideas … Straight from Facebook

Filed in Social Media by Matt McGee on May 26, 2012

facebook_logoWondering what kind of content works well on Facebook?

If so, lean on some recent information published by Facebook itself.

Last week, Facebook shared some results/observations from an internal study that lasted four weeks. They examined 23 brands with Facebook Pages across six industries.

Facebook didn’t publish specific numbers or statistics, but it did share general observations about what types of content generated the most fan engagement. The answer?

Content related to your business, but not specifically about the business.

So, a real estate agent, for example, wouldn’t post exclusively about homes for sale and new MLS listings; s/he’d post about the local real estate market, about what’s happening around town and other things that homeowners and home buyers would want to know. An insurance agency would post information related to driving laws, safe driving, protecting homes/valuables, and other safety-related topics.

Facebook says that type of post was more successful than 1) content specifically about the business, and 2) content unrelated to the business.

You can read more about the study on Facebook Studio’s website.

If you’re looking for more specifics than that, let me remind you about a couple studies last year that showed photos and videos were best at generating fan interaction, and posting links was the worst. See my previous article, Photos Draw Most Facebook Interactions, Links Draw the Least, for more about those studies.

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  1. Kent says:

    Basically, what you mean is post educational content to educate people about what we are selling but we don’t post about products features, rather we educate them.

  2. “Content related to your business, but not specifically about the business”

    This is true!

    As an example, If I am running my own marble business I should engage with a post (photos) on how use of marbles will make your house beautiful.

    Selling marbles is my business but the content I am posting is not necessarily about my business 🙂